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BIN 048199 (Bank Identification Number)

Payment systemMASTERCARD
Bank CountryHonduras
Bank card issuerBANCO CONTINENTAL, S.A.
Type of cardCredit card

With the help of our service information you can find out about the

bank identification number 048199

, binlist (IIN) - BANCO CONTINENTAL, S.A..

Bank Identification Number (BIN)

- is unique number which every bank card has. Most cards have 16-number code, and that code is unique. Card BIN-number is the first numbers of the card. They show which bank has given the card.

Issuer Identification Number (IIN)

- is the first numbers of the card. They show which bank has given the card.

You can find out the bank with the help of the card number on this site. For this operation enter the first 6 numbers of the card and click “Search”, please.